Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (LCMS)

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

Cedar Crest, New Mexico

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church is located in Cedar Crest, New Mexico a few miles east of Albuquerque.  Our facilities are at the edge of the beautiful cedars and pines of the Cibola National Forest at an elevation of 6,700 feet.  We are a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) within the Rocky Mountain District.



We seek to bring all people into a relationship with God, through Jesus; 

and to strengthen that relationship by giving clear expression to the truth of God, the beauty of God,

and the holiness of God



Who we are...

 ​Click here to learn more about our mission and values.


What we believe...

Click here to learn more about what we believe.


Things we do...

Click here to see a smattering of events and activities we do throughout the year.


How it all began...

 Click here to learn more about our history.  





Daily Bible Verse 12/21/2024
But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won your fight with these false prophets, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world. 1 John 4:4 NLT