Beyond The Walls Ministries International

Beyond The Walls Ministries International

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Beyond The Walls Ministries International

Prophetic Deliverance Ministry...Psalm 91

There are two questions I am asked most often.

The first is, how long have I been in the deliverance ministry?

The second one is: how did I get involved in deliverance ministry?  The answer to the first question is, for a long time. The second answer is that I constantly found myself in situations fighting for someone who was in spiritual warfare. I was not aware at that time what spiritual warfare was all about or how to fight.  I just knew in my heart that I had to fight!  For myself and for others, it was war. I learned to pray and pray and pray.  GOD taught me how to fight! With each encounter, there was a different plan of attack. I prayed. I fasted. I listened. I obeyed.


While developing a relationship with GOD, I learned His scriptures. Yet, through my pitfalls, failures, and losses, I developed an intimate LOVE for The Father, "My Papa." HE is the breath I breathe.  

My hands are used to serve His people, my arms to hold them, my heart to pray for them, and my eyes to reflect HIS Love.  I am only a flawed vessel serving broken pots with "HIS DIVINE LOVE."

I echo the words of the prophet Jeremiah: "it's like fire burning deep within me". "It feels like it is burning deep in my bones! I get tired of trying to hold HIS message inside. And finally, I am not able to hold it in."  (Jeremiah 20:9 ERV)  

It burns deep within my soul to see Gods people set FREE! Free from the landing tentacles of satans diabolical schemes. One lash after another, he renders pain, hurt, depression, hopelessness, abuse, suicidal thoughts, and more pain, upon his victims. He won't stop until his victim lies there, weeping in agony of mind, body, and soul. As he releases laughter of defeat, he declares, "I come to kill, steal and destroy"!!! 
My Father, My Lord! Boldly rises to say, I come to GIVE LIFE and to give it more Abundantly! GOD cares about each life HE sends our way. With my sword of the Spirit, dipped in the blood of the everlasting LAMB, and with my shield of Faith.  HE sets the captives FREE!!

 I rise to give Hope to the hopeless Faith to the faithless, to set the captive free from the bondage of the enemy. We encourage each victim to arise and walk in the newness of life. To lay hold of the bloodstain banner, as they proclaim!  Who the SON has set free is FREE. I am FREE indeed!!! 

I'll cry with you... I'll laugh with you... I'll mourn with you. Together, we take HIS hand of righteousness, the preserver of HOLINESS, until the day we can see our MASTER FACE to face. In HIS Service!

I love you!

 JJMB Chapman


Daily Bible Verse 10/21/2024
They said "Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and strength belong to our God forever and forever. Amen!" Revelation 7:12 NLT