Beyond The Walls Ministries International

Beyond The Walls Ministries International

14085091099 1315 Piedmont Road #33017 (mail) San Jose CA 95152

Beyond The Walls Ministries International

Prophetic Deliverance Ministry...Psalm 91



God's Woman is Apostle/Pastor Dr. Jenni'fer JMB Chapman. Pastor Dr. Thomas Edison Chapman, her late father, raised her in Cleveland, Ohio. He founded the Baptist church on Avon Avenue. When questioned about her most memorable moment with her father, she replied: "it was the night I witnessed my father bring a man into our home who had just attempted to steal his car. Daddy brought the man into the living room,  read him the bible and gave him God's "salvation plan". The man accepted Christ into his life.

Later, she came upon the book "Run Baby Run" by David Wilkerson. It represented Nicky Cruz's life and salvation conversion. The encounter between David Wilkerson and Nicky Cruz was the most moving portion of the novel for her. Nicky had what we would call a difficult life. A life filled with domestic and public violence. He brutally attacked David and spat on his face. The most humiliating act a human might endure. The response of David was, "You could chop me into a thousand pieces and scatter them across the street. Each component will still love you." This is love! GOD'S unconditional love. HIS tremendous love. That still exists now. That was a defining moment in my life." 

 She moved to Long Beach, California, as a teenager. John McClung Sr. served as the founding pastor of the Living Word Missionary Baptist Church. She learned the word of God and how to evangelize on the streets of Long Beach, California, while under the guidance of Pastor McClung.
When asked about the most memorable moment she shared with her spiritual father, she reflected on her earliest encounter with him.

She remarked, "Pastor McClung opened a modest coffee shop in Long Beach, California, which was in a high crime area. Drug users, gangsters, prostitutes, and pimps were well-known on Anaheim Street. GOD positioned us precisely where HIS love was most required.

I witnessed a demonstration of love that altered my life irrevocably. Pastor McClung was a caring God-loving man. This love manifested itself in his manner and treatment of others. Pastor McClung cherished God's people. He taught the Bible. He impacted my life significantly.

 As the founder of Beyond The Walls Ministries International, she is a woman of GOD with a passion for HIS Presence. Worship is a lifestyle for her, she reaches "beyond the walls" of the church to help heal God's children.

Those who are broken in various areas of their lives. 

"My hands are used to serve His people, my arms to hold them, my heart to pray for them, my eyes to reflect HIS Love.  I am only but a flawed individual, loving flawed people with HIS DIVINE LOVE."

 She acts under a deliverance, Apostolic, and Prophetic anointing as a called Servant of GOD. From her personal experience as a defeated survivor. She is aware that the people she serves are ministered to by the power of the WORD of GOD, the guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT, and the love of GOD.

She served as Chaplain at The Salvation Army Rehabilitation Center serving men and their families for three years. Located in the city of San Jose, California. She ministered to and counseled a large number of males in rehabilitation for substance and alcohol abuse. Numerous of these men were baptized and their lives were restored in Christ. While others received their first introduction to God. These men were affectionately referred to as "my guys," the undiscovered treasure of God.

In 2009, she oversaw the deliverance tent of Argentine Evangelist Carlos Annacondia, which was broadcast LIVE on GOD TV from the Civic Center Plaza in San Francisco during his Bay Area campaign. That evening, 256 individuals were counted as having been taken inside the tent, delivered from evil spirits, and led to a place of salvation.

She frequently hosts conferences in the Bay Area. The majority of these conferences focus on spiritual battle in daily life. Subjects include Tormented by Rejection, Abuse, Forgiveness, Halloween Celebration, I'm a Christian Now What, Woman Be Thou Refreshed, and many others. G. Craig Lewis of Ex-Ministries hosted one of these sessions. She believes he has a message for the community struggling in warfare.

She served as his deliverance minister under the supervision of Pastor Paul Shepherd of Destiny Center, formerly known as Abundant Life Christian Fellowship.

In a Sacramento apartment complex swimming pool, 18 people were baptized. What was planned to be a single baptism turned out to be a communal ceremony.

 "The Three Baptisms of Christ" was the sermon used to turn the hearts of many to Christ. This phenomenal experience came after the first two months upon hearing, "no longer will you be called S.W.A.T. but Beyond The Walls Ministries.  You are to go beyond the walls of the church to marry those who are shacking up, to take communion to those who are bedridden, to baptize those in my name, to set the captive free those who are bound." 

Beyond The Walls Ministries formally known as S.W.A.T. (Spiritual Warfare Attack Team) answered the voice of GOD.

To pre-marital couples, she offers extensive counseling. You will hear her say, "my goal is to break you up with the truth that marriage is a commitment, not a feeling. The day of the wedding is the celebration of a lifelong courtship." She has married countless couples.

God continuously utilizes her as HIS channel of authority and strength against the enemy, and she faithfully gives HIM all the GLORY for every healing and deliverance. You will frequently hear her say, "I can't deliver an ant from an ant farm, so I surrender to God for each person to be delivered.  If God does not give me direct word of knowledge of the origin or problem with the person, HE has not given me permission to work with them." She teaches seminars, conducts conferences, and faithfully communicates God's word. Her calling is deliverance. She travels frequently to homes to pray (cast out) unseen guests, administer communion, and minister HIS Love. She persists in pursuing and carrying out God's will.

Apostle Chapman is a Licensed Master Life Coach, Licensed Pastoral Counselor, Licensed Clinical Christian Therapist, Theology and Psychology graduate, and holds a Doctor of Divinity. Her objective is to equip herself to assist GOD's people at their basic nature.

She is registered as a Licensed Master Life Coach with The International Coach Federation and the International Association of Professional Life Coaches. She established Rhema Life Institute, a school for aspiring life coaches. Pastors and laymen can take classes in Spiritual Warfare, Biblical Counseling, and Pastoral Counseling.

Her motto is, "HE must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less". John 3:30

She is the mother of four children, who are her earthly treasures. Yet, GOD holds the first and number one priority of her life and heart.                                         

James 5:16 states; “The effectual fervent prayers of a righteous man availeth much”. Please remember her daily in your prayers for this ministry.

E-mail her at [email protected]


B.T.W. Ministries Staff


Daily Bible Verse 10/21/2024
They said "Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and strength belong to our God forever and forever. Amen!" Revelation 7:12 NLT