A&D Biker Ministries "Growing the Kingdom of God . . . one Biker at a time"








Hi!  I'm Ralph "DOC" Scherer, Pastor of A&D Biker Ministries.  ("DOC" is my riding name; given to me by a hard core brother.  It stands for "Disciple of Christ".)  It is my pleasure to welcome you to the A&D Biker Ministries website!         

We are a non-traditional church . . . designed especially (but not exclusively) for those who love to ride.  We love God.  We serve Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of our lives.  And we have found greater joy, peace, and freedom in HIM than we ever knew B.C. (Before Christ).

Like all churches we have a gathering for worship, but we meet on Saturday nights so that we can attend Biker events on Sundays.  WARNING:  A&D is NOT your grandma's Sunday School!  The A&D congregation has no perfect people.  In fact, no perfect people are allowed to be a part of the fellowship of A&D Biker Ministries.  (If you think that you "might be one" . . . we can help you out with that!)  What we do have are real people, with real hurts and real needs, who are willing to be real honest AND do life together - so that each of us can become both spiritually & emotionally healthy and mature.  The Bible calls that 'growing up in the full measure in Christ'.      
Take time to check out our entire website.  You can find answers on the website for questions you may have about A&D Biker Ministries.  PLEASE, contact us for further information about our church.  If we can be of any personal help or encouragement to you . . . call us.  Our desire is to embrace others with the unconditional love of God, and point them to the only One who can really change our lives:  Jesus Christ.  Please join us on the journey, as we work "to grow the Kingdom of God . . . one Biker (one soul) at a time."  

God bless you!  Ride safe and keep the shiny up & the rubber side down!!

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Daily Bible Verse 10/22/2024
"The LORD is for me so I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me? Yes the LORD is for me; he will help me. I will look in triumph at those who hate me. " Psalm 118:6-7 NLT

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