Bringing Interactivity into the Church!

Our Philosophy - Reaching Beyond Information to Relationship and Collaborative Management

At we feel that your ministry web site should do much more than inform. The web has moved beyond information and into relationship. More people are online today to connect with their friends and grow their social network more than ever before. Your ministry web site should be able to provide the ability to ignite and mature relationship among your members all week long.

Your ministry web site should also provide the ability for your members and guests to connect with your ministry leadership. That's why MyFlock provides personal profiles and the ability for your members to connect with each other online.  Facebook allows you to stay connected with your existing friends, MyFlock is designed to initiate new relationships with those that attend your church. MyFlock just does it right in the safety of your church's online community.

Collaborative Management
We feel that you shouldn't have to be in the church office to manage your church members and activities. Plus you should be able to involve the trusted lay leaders as well as distributed staff. When your church management tool is online, everyone you designate can participate from just about anywhere. Need to get the church newsletter out? Enlist your ministry leaders to contribute an article at their convenience from the office, home, or travel.

What's really cool is that since your members are participating in the online community, most of the member data is already entered and maintained by your members. Shouldn't your members also have secure access to their information? A secure online private church directory is available and they can even view their own contribution records.

Spiritual Maturity and Discipleship
Your ministry site should also tend to the spiritual maturity of your members during the week. Once they connect, fellowship and discipleship can begin. Plus there's tools geared to deepen their
walk and renew their spirit.

Now integrated with Facebook!