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Greater Faith Grace Bible Church

How to Be Saved

Our church is nothing without the Good News about Jesus. Therefore, if there is one thing we want you to know, it is the message of Jesus. Of course, we would love to make contact with you if you have questions, but here is an introduction to this Good News.

God is the good creator of the universe. He created everything good. He created mankind in his image as the pinnacle of creation to bring him glory by living in relationship with him and each other.

Out of pride and rebellion, the first human, Adam, sinned. Through this man, sin entered the world. As a result, we are all sinners. The Bible teaches us that none of us are good. None of us seek after God.  Since God is perfect and holy, he must punish the sins we commit.  Our sin makes us accountable to God and worthy of eternal punishment because we have sinned against an eternal God.

However, God is not only perfectly just and right, but he is also loving and merciful. He wanted to bring us back into right relationship with him. So while we had no hope because of our sentence, he initiated his eternal plan to save us. The only way to do that would be if our sin was paid for. So God the Father sent his only Son to be born as a man and live a perfect life so that he could be qualified to die in our place. Jesus died for our sins. Three days later, Jesus was raised from the dead, proving his power over sin and death.

Scripture teaches us that he completed the work that we could not for our salvation, giving us hope of eternal life with him. All we can do for our salvation is respond to his work in faith and repentance. Repentance means we turn from our sins to the forgiveness God offers based on Christ’s sacrifice, believing that he died for our sins and was raised. By doing so, we declare that Jesus is Lord over us.

Jesus then told his followers to go into all the world taking this Good News of forgiveness through repentance to all people, baptizing them and teaching them to live in obedience to him. Our church is the result of this mission. We invite you to share in this salvation.